
Cortex Compiler: Vendor SDK

A strength of Cortex-M based MCUs is that the core CPU is designed by ARM Inc., while silicon vendors license the core design and then put their own I/O peripherals around it. With all major MCU vendors supporting the Cortex MCU, embedded designers have a large number of MCUs to choose from, while able to reuse their existing knowledge of the CPU information. To make the software a bit more manageable, ARM has published the CMSIS (Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard). CMSIS addresses the issues of portable macro defines and intrinsic functions common to the Cortex-M CPU cores.  As each […]

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Interrupt Handlers and Tasks in REXIS

REXIS is both ImageCraft’s RTOS and a component of the JumpStart IoT Connectivity Suite. It’s easy to use and also supports multiple APIs for IPC (Inter-Process Communication). In this post, we aim to show how easy it is to write an interrupt handler to interact with a normal REXIS task. Problem Description: in an embedded system, the most efficient method of detecting sensor and other data input is through peripheral interrupts. An interrupt handler, or Interrupt Service Routine (ISR), is called when the hardware device receives data (e.g.: a character arrives at a UART receive register). The ISR reads the data

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Firmware Security

Most modern MCU have some kind of readout protection of the flash. Unfortunately, there’s only the minimal level of protection of your firmware IP. The TL;DR version is that serious crackers can etch the physical shielding off, and then read the flash content via microscope. There are also exploits that crackers can use. Here’s a case study of how the STM32F0 MCU can be cracked via exploits https://www.aisec.fraunhofer.de/en/FirmwareProtection.html What to do? Understand the risks and act accordingly. There is no one right answer, but there is a right answer for your situation.

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