
ICCV8 for Cortex Released

ICCv8 for Cortex (V8.00.00) has now been officially released. You can download it from our website. From the readme [ FEATURES THAT STILL NEED TO BE IMPLEMENTED ] – M0 Instruction Set not supported – M4 Instruction Set not supported – PRO optimizations not enabled – Cortex-M Bitfield instructions not used – Bitband memory alias – Debugger CHANGE LOGS: 8.00.00 August 24th, 2012 – Open c:\iccv8cortex\examples. cortex\examples.workspace for some sample projects – ARM CMSIS header files under c:\iccv8cortex\include\CMSIS, the compiler driver automatically includes this directory (along with c:\iccv8cortex\include\) in the search list. – NXP header files under c:\iccv8cortex\include\<vendor name>\ You […]

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2011 Year End Message

Whoosh! — That’s the sound of 2011 flying by. 🙂 Here at ImageCraft, we would like to wish you all Happy Holidays and hopefully a very Prosperous New Year. May your code run correctly the first time, and your hardware designs perform without any faults. AVR Compilers In 2011, we released a new USB licensing dongle for the V8 AVR compiler. “Eating our own dog food”;  it contains an AVR board utilizing our own firmware. It does not require additional USB drivers, and is also much more flexible than the older V6/V7 dongles. We have enhanced the AVR compiler code

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2010 Is Drawing To A Close…

The last few years have certainly been “exciting” times for the embedded industry. With the industry’s rush to adopt 32-bit architecture (by that I meant ARM, so the noun is singular on purpose), perhaps paradoxically it is clear that there will continue to be a market for 8-bit tools, at least for the next 5 years and longer. It’s the economy of scale and ease of use – when a 32-bit MCU is under a buck, so is an 8-bit AVR or PSoC and they have fewer pins to connect. So ImageCraft will continue to concentrate on the 8-bit end

2010 Is Drawing To A Close… Read Post »

And Then There is One Less….

Embedded compiler and tool companies are endangered species. When I first joined Whitesemiths, the whole C compiler market was still new. Since then, there must have been at least a dozen DOS/Windows C compiler companies that have come and gone, and probably even more embedded C compiler companies have disappeared in the same period. A popular trend is for silicon vendors to buy up compiler companies, nominally to ensure that they have full support for their chips. Motorola bought Hiware a few years back, and now Microchip just purchased Hi-Tech software. Among embedded compiler companies that support multiple platforms, we

And Then There is One Less…. Read Post »

eMOS is in beta

eMOS for AVR is now in beta testing. You can find the documentation here. If you are interested in participating, please contact us. We believe eMOS’ high performance features such as preemptive scheduler, tight integration with the ImageCraft compiler, combining with safety features such as stack checking and virtual watchdog set eMOS apart from other RTOS. Of course it has very competitive priced.

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