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FileSys and SD modules, plus eMOS update

First, a quick update on eMOS: we have modified the eMOS_MsgReceive function to include a timeout value, so that the call may timeout if no message is received within the specified time period. A couple minor functions are also added. See the doc for details. // EDIT: yes, the goal is to support both FAT16 and FAT32. Long File Name under FAT32 may require end user to pay Microsoft a licensing fee of $0.25 per copy used, or we may support a different LFN implemenation We are now looking into our first plug-in module for eMOS, which is a file […]

FileSys and SD modules, plus eMOS update Read Post »

Propeller Bundles – Buy A Compiler, Get a Free Board…

For limited time, we are offering a free Propeller Demo Board when you purchase a Propeller C compiler, both the -NC and STD versions. This is the same board that retails for $80. This is a great way to get into C programming for the Propeller. Take advantage of the sales now, while supplies last. Go to our website,, click on Hardware, then “Special Price Bundles,” and select the version you want.

Propeller Bundles – Buy A Compiler, Get a Free Board… Read Post »

Commodity pricing, PSoC, Propeller, XMega, 430X, XGate, Cortex, new IDE et. al.

Our company was incorporated in 1994 on the assumption that while embedded development tools are not a commodity product per se, if we lowered the price of entry and provided products and services with a good price/performance ratio, then we could satisfy a market need and create a decent business.  Now that we have been in business for over 14 years, I’d say we were correct in that aspect.  Not that we don’t have competitors, of course!  In fact, some of our competitors have now been adopting a “scorched earth” strategy: they put out free versions that are limited in

Commodity pricing, PSoC, Propeller, XMega, 430X, XGate, Cortex, new IDE et. al. Read Post »

eMOS for AVR Released

doc: zip: The zip file is the demo version. You are limited to up to 5 tasks. Currently you will need to unzip the content in a temporary directory and then copy the files: copy *.h c:\iccv7avr\include copy lib*.a c:\iccv7avr\lib When we release the next AVR compiler demo update, the files will be incorporated directly. **** We really feel that eMOS is a very useful tool. The core features of preemptive multitasking and message passing are nice, but we also carefully added additional features such as stack checking, virtual watchdog, and system call error checking, which can save

eMOS for AVR Released Read Post »

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