Crisis and Opportunity

The Chinese words for crisis is 危機 (weiji). As with most Chinese word-objects, it is made up of two independent words, 危(wei) / danger and 機(ji) / opportunity. And so the global financial crisis also presents us with some opportunities to renew ourselves.

( to read more…)

ImageCraft ICCV7 for M8C will be free!

Through an arrangement with Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, ImageCraft ICCV7 for M8C STD is now available free of charge to PSoC Designer users. The compiler is included as part of the PSoC Designer V5 SP4.5 and beyond.

– ICCV7 for M8C incorporates enhancements we have developed since the last official release to Cypress in 2006. The code size is 10-15% better than the previous free compiler available in PSoC Designer 5.0. We expect to continue to add enhancements to support the evolving PSoC devices.

– We expect to release a PRO optimized version by the end of 2009 with code size expected to be 30%-35% better than the previously available free compiler. Exact features and pricing TBD but we expect the price will be in line with our current product pricing range of $300-$549.

– As a good will gesture, we will offer customers who purchased our Cypress compiler licenses in 2009 a discount for the PRO compiler. Details TBD.

– ICCV7 for M8C is fully supported by ImageCraft. Any C related questions should be addressed to us directly at support


So what else are we planning to do? One lesson we learned from this financial crisis is that to compete effectively, avoid competition! Unsurprisingly, we will need to move to a Next-Gen IDE, add full support the the Atmel XMega, and add new target such as the Cortex M processors.

I will provide more progress reports as warranted.

// richard

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