A Note to Our Customers

Since launching our business in 1994, ImageCraft has provided tens of thousands of developers, students, and hobbyists with excellent embedded tools. Innovating and improving these tools has generally been a dedicated labor of love, and it has been our mission to provide our reasonable-priced products to the community.

Unfortunately, given the changing market environment, it is no longer viable at this time for us to continue to actively develop and support the ICC/JumpStart series of products. While we believe that our AVR and Cortex tools are significantly better than other products in terms of price/performance ratio, features, pricing, and technical support, we are finding it necessary for us to move on.

You may continue to purchase new licenses from our online shops. The prices for the licenses will not change. Our demos are fully functional for 30/45 days, so please do try them out before purchasing. There will be no refunds once purchased. As we will of necessity be working elsewhere to make a living, please do not expect anything other than a minimal level of support or enhancements. There is currently no plan to open source our source code.

We will still honor licensing requests, although the response time will take a bit longer than it has previously. Please send licensing requests to license@imagecraft.com. We will need your serial number to generate replacement license keys.

The email addresses, including my personal one at richard@imagecraft.com, will continue to be active “forever”. There are chances that I will develop new products/projects, perhaps for the open source community. We will see.

So long and thanks for all the fish.

— Richard and Chris, the team behind ImageCraft, May 4th, 2020

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