Your chance to JUMPSTART Cortex MCU development

Are you interested in upgrading your ease-and-speed-of-programming options?

Are you still working with 8-bit MCUs and wish to take advantage of the more powerful and even lower cost Cortex-M MCU, but are worried about making the jump? Are you working with slow Eclipse-based IDE or ST CubeMX and wish that just loading the tools won’t require taking a long coffee break? Are you daunted by how difficult it can be to just get an LED blinking and wish for an easier way to do it? Are you frustrated with unsupported free tools that cost you time and money to get started?

Your wish has now come true. With ImageCraft’s latest 9.12 release of the JumpStart C++ for Cortex, you can develop for most popular Cortex-M MCUs, with great visual debugging as well. Thanks to the efficiently-written JumpStart API (JSAPI), if you are using a supported $13 ST-Nucleo board, you can get “Hello World” and blinking LEDs working in literally minutes after you install the programs.

ImageCraft makes JumpStart C++ easy to use because we also use it ourselves. Confused by the difference between newlib or nanolib, and which to use? So are many other people, so we make it simple to use (a single checkbox is all you need to switch between the two libraries) and we even wrote a blog article about it to demystify the issues:


And now: ImageCraft is the first compiler vendor to provide seamless one-checkbox support for QFPlib, an alternative floating-point library that takes just over 1K bytes of code, including trigonometric functions! http://localhost/imagecraft/blog/2019/05/qfplib-a-compact-floating-point-library-for-cortex-m/

You may currently purchase the compiler plus the visual debugger for $300, a discount of $100! And, what could make this even better? How about taking an additional 10% off until June 15, 2019? Use the coupon code CRAZY10OFF (valid for the bundle purchase only) and follow the instructions here:

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