I have been fortunate to have worked with (or at least in the same room with 🙂 ) some really smart people over the years: people that worked at the Space Shuttle compilers, people that designed the ground breaking 200Mhz DEC Alpha system, the HP PA-RISC team etc., but the one that left the most impression on me is P.J. Plauger. He found Whitesmiths in the mid-70s after working with the early Unix/C people at Bell Lab. Whitesmiths produced one of the earliest C compiler outside of the Bell Lab and he wrote Idris, a Unix V6 compatible OS from scratch. He writes books and columns, served as editor for a couple magazines. He works tirelessly at various C, C++, Posix Standard committees, making considerable contributions especially in the area of the libraries. In the 1990s, he started Dinkumware, specializing in C and C++ Libraries.
His Dinkumware libraries are licensed by companies such as MIcrosoft, IBM and Green Hills. So it is with great pleasure for me to announce that we will be porting the Dinkumware Library to the ImageCraft platforms, starting with our best selling Atmel AVR ICCV7 for AVR products. The library set will be sold as an add-on package with significant discount when you order it bundled with our PRO compilers.
Our customers would have access to all the Standard C functions – including math, time, stdio with all the formatting, plus many others – complete and Stanard conforming, fast, and market proven. As a bonus, Dinkumware has a set of fixed point math libraries that is a fast alternative to floating point. Besides providing them as part of this library offering, we will investigate the possibility of adding native support in our compilers.
// richard