
REXIS Sale Specials!

Happy Thanksgiving! The first public release of REXIS is now available, as part of V9.07.00 of JumpStart C++ for Cortex, which you can download by clicking on the link. ImageCraft creates different REXIS editions to fulfill the different needs of embedded developers. For consulting engineers, you can prototype, test, and work with the REXIS binary release by installing the JumpStart C++ for Cortex compiler. Get a ST-Nucleo F411RE and you can start running the examples immediately. The binary release is free to use for non-commercial use.

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Debugger Sales

Up to $100 OFF! Even though we released the AVR and the Cortex-M debuggers a number of years ago, apparently some of our users do not know about it. JDB debugger is fully integrated with the CodeBlocks IDE, and contains a number of easy to use features such as I/O register view. The normal list price is $150, but for a limited time only, if you already have a compiler license, you can purchase the debugger for just $100. Link to purchase the AVR debugger:

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