new product

Exciting Times Ahead

We are about to release ICCAVR version 8.10.00, with support for CRC generation and production ELF file. The latter allows users to specify all the special control bytes (fuse, lockbits etc.) in the C source file and have a single output file for device programming. More convenient and less error prone than existing methods. We are also working on some very exciting products. More details later when we can talk about them 🙂

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Another Milestone – We Now Have Our Own Debugger

Since establishing ImageCraft in 1994, we were one of the first, if not the first embedded compiler to include a Windows IDE. In 2009, our V8 release moved our IDE to the latest technological base when we adapted CodeBlocks. However, we still did not have our own debugger. Until Now. ICCV8 for Cortex V8.03.00 now includes an integrated debugger IDB. With a Segger Jlink unit, one click and the IDE will rebuild the project, flash download the program and start the debugger for you. All without writing linker command files or complicated debug pod configuration file. IDB is fully functional

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Cortex Compiler Alpha Review

The ImageCraft Cortex V8 compiler is now in good enough shape to show to the world. Please click on the “ARM Cortex Compiler Tools” button on our site to visit the Cortex compiler page and to download the Alpha Review-1. The page will be updated with link to beta releases and production release later. Of course do expect rough edges everywhere. V8 Cortex compiler is similar to the V8 AVR product. The installer is new and we will migrate the next V8 AVR (8.05.01) to use that as well. With the exception of bitfields, structures, and floating point, the compiler

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A Baby Step Toward ICC for ARM Cortex

The “M Profile” of the ARM architecture may very well be the 8051 of the 2010s as the Cotex M0, M3 and now the M4 cores are licensed by just about every silicon microcontroller makers. This presents a nice opportunity for us to provide our ICC compiler tools to the users. One of the nicest things about Cortex is that ARM Ltd. finally defined standard interrupt controller and system memory map so it’s much easier to port software between different Cortex devices from different manufacturers – well, at least that’s the theory. It may not be as rosy in practice

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